The following books are available for review. Please select a book you would like to review and send an email to with the title of the book and your resume. Our editorial assistant will contact you as soon as possible to let you know the editorial decision and next steps. You will receive a hard copy or electronic version of the book.

We are open to considering books not listed here if they have been published within the last 24 months. If you would like to review a book that is not listed below, please send us an email with the title of the book, an abstract of the book or a link to it, and your resume. Our editorial team will evaluate the book's suitability for our journal, and you will be notified of the results as soon as possible.

No. Title Date
A History of Uyghur Buddhism 2024-08-12
Women's Dance Traditions of Uzbekistan: Legacy of the Silk Road 2024-08-12
Breeze & Storm: Nomadic Culture and Tribal Politics Along the Silk Road 2024-08-12
An Afterlife for the Khan: Muslims, Buddhists, and Sacred Kingship in Mongol Iran and Eurasia 2024-04-02
The Kushnameh: The Persian Epic of Kush the Tusked 2024-04-02
Shāh Esmā‘il and his Three Wives A Persian-Turkish Tale as Performed by the Bards of Khorasan 2023-08-30
Iran, Islam and Democracy: The Politics of Managing Change 2023-08-30
Terrorism and Insurgency in Asia: A contemporary examination of terrorist and separatist movements 2023-08-30
Dice and Gods on the Silk Road: Chinese Buddhist Dice Divination in Transcultural Context 2023-08-30
East-West Artistic Transfer through Rome, Armenia and the Silk Road: Sharing St. Peter\'s 2023-08-30
Studies on Sufism in Central Asia 2023-08-30
Qarakhanid Roads to China: A History of Sino-Turkic Relations 2023-08-30
Bosnian Hajj Literature: Multiple Paths to the Holy 2023-08-30
Chinese-Islamic Works of Art, 1644–1912: A Study of Some Qing Dynasty Examples 2023-08-30
From the Khan\'s Oven 2023-08-30
(Assigned) In Asian Waters Oceanic Worlds from Yemen to Yokohama 2023-08-30
Manifestations of a Sufi Woman in Central Asia 2023-08-30
Coming of Age in Iran Poverty and the Struggle for Dignity 2023-08-30
Mongol Caucasia Invasions, Conquest, and Government of a Frontier Region in Thirteenth-Century Eurasia (1204-1295) 2023-08-30
Gods, Deities, and Demons in the Paintings of Kucha 2023-08-30
(Assigned) The Mongol Storm: Making and Breaking Empires in the Medieval Near East 2023-08-30
(Assigned) The Earth Transformed: An Untold Story 2023-08-30
Xuanzang: A Buddhist Pilgrim On The Silk Road 2023-08-30
Ethnic Boundaries in Turkish Politics: The Secular Kurdish Movement and Islam 2023-08-30
Cultural Fusion of Sufi Islam: Alternative Paths to Mystical Faith 2023-08-30
Syriac Hagiography: Texts and Beyond 2023-08-30
The Scythian Connection and the Shamanistic Crowns of Ancient Korea 2023-08-30
(Assigned) The Silk Road : Connecting Histories and Futures 2023-08-30
Hidden Caliphate: Sufi Saints beyond the Oxus and Indus 2023-08-30