The Writer and the Scholar: Democracy After the Shift Toward East Asia 

Vol. 9,  No. 2, pp. 111-128, Dec.  2024


This paper aims 1) to elucidate the distinctive contributions of two authors towards understanding how East Asian countries have assimilated Western-born capitalism; 2) and to draw practical consequences for the time we live in. Jack London anticipated in a short story a future world where China plays a pivotal role. Conversely, Karl Wittfogel offered a longitudinal analysis of how early hydraulic systems in Asia provided state bureaucracies with formidable means to control their populations over centuries. The objective is to juxtapose the perspectives of these two authors and question the practical implications arising from their insights, as the global economic fulcrum shifts Eastward, focusing on what it entails for the future of democracy.

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[IEEE Style]

C. GAUDIN, "The Writer and the Scholar: Democracy After the Shift Toward East Asia," Acta Via Serica, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 111-128, 2024. DOI: 10.22679/avs.2024.9.2.005.

[ACM Style]

Christophe GAUDIN. 2024. The Writer and the Scholar: Democracy After the Shift Toward East Asia. Acta Via Serica, 9, 2, (2024), 111-128. DOI: 10.22679/avs.2024.9.2.005.

[APA Style]

GAUDIN, C. (2024). The Writer and the Scholar: Democracy After the Shift Toward East Asia. Acta Via Serica, 9(2), 111-128. DOI: 10.22679/avs.2024.9.2.005.

[MLA Style]

Christophe GAUDIN. "null." Acta Via Serica, vol. 9, no. 2, 2024, pp. 111-128. doi:10.22679/avs.2024.9.2.005

[HAVARD Style]

Christophe GAUDIN (2024) 'null', Acta Via Serica, 9(2), pp. 111-128. doi:10.22679/avs.2024.9.2.005

[ACS Style]

GAUDIN, C.. Acta Via Serica 9 2024, 111-128. 10.22679/avs.2024.9.2.005

[ABNT Style]

GAUDIN, C.. null. Acta Via Serica, v. 9, n. 2, p. 111-128, 2024. DOI: 10.22679/avs.2024.9.2.005

[Chicago Style]

Christophe GAUDIN. "null." Acta Via Serica 9, no. 2 (2024): 111-128. doi:10.22679/avs.2024.9.2.005


Christophe GAUDIN. "null." Acta Via Serica 9, no. 2 (2024): 111-128. 10.22679/avs.2024.9.2.005


Christophe GAUDIN. null [Acta Via Serica]. 2024;9:111-128. DOI:10.22679/avs.2024.9.2.005

[Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)]


