2023 Keimyung International Conference on the Silk Road and Central Asia
The Maritime Silk Road: From the Seas thru Siam to the Korean Peninsula
Dates: Sep.28 Thursday - Sep. 29 Friday
Venue: Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand

Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, PSL University
Revealing the Networks of Mahāyāna Buddhist Tantra in Medieval Maritime Asia through the Study of Siddhamātṛkā-inscriptions

Archaeological Survey
Cultural and Trade Link between India and Siam: Its Impact on Maritime Silk Road

Thammasat University
The Emergence of Early States and Their Networks in Southern Thailand

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Studying the transmission of infectious diseases Along the Maritime Silk Road: Focusing on the Novel Nights of Plague

Keimyung University
The Maritime Prohibition and Modernity: A Critical Consideration

University of Freiburg
Silk Road Trade or Transregional Network Connectivity? Changing Perspectives on Southeast Asian Maritime Exchange Between ca. 300 BCE to ca. 300 CE.

Independent Researcher
Ferrying to the Other Shore: Korean Seafarers and Avalokiteśvara Faith in the East Asian Maritime World
Organizing Committee

Tschung-Sun Kim
Conference Chair
Professor Emeritus of Religion, Director of Academia Via Serica, Keimyung University, Korea

Passapong Sripicharn
Conference Co-chair
Dean of Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, Thailand

Jinsil Choi
Conference Organizing Chair
Assistant Professor, Tabula Rasa College, Keimyung University, Korea

Kornnapha Boonphisudsilp
Conference Organizing Co-chair
Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, Thailand