2021 Keimyung International Conference on the Silk Road and Central Asia
2021 Keimyung International Conference on the Silk Road and Central Asia

Youngsoo Chang
Professor of Cultural Properties, Gyeongju University
East-West Exchange of Costume Culture - Focusing on the Analysis of Taq-i Bustan Reliefs from the Sassanian Empire of Persia
Professor of Cultural Properties, Gyeongju University
East-West Exchange of Costume Culture - Focusing on the Analysis of Taq-i Bustan Reliefs from the Sassanian Empire of Persia

Matteo Compareti
Subject Expert, Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice
Central Asian Textile Motifs in Late Sasanian Art: On the Origin of Some Decorative Elements at Taq-i Bustan
Subject Expert, Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice
Central Asian Textile Motifs in Late Sasanian Art: On the Origin of Some Decorative Elements at Taq-i Bustan

Duraiswamy Dayalan
Director, Archaeological Survey of India
Silk and Cotton Textiles, the Principal Maritime Trade Commodities of Ancient India
Director, Archaeological Survey of India
Silk and Cotton Textiles, the Principal Maritime Trade Commodities of Ancient India

Mariachiara Gasparini
Assistant Professor of Chinese Art and Architectural History, University of Oregon
A Tent for the Afterlife? Remarks on a Qinghai-Sichuanese Panel
Assistant Professor of Chinese Art and Architectural History, University of Oregon
A Tent for the Afterlife? Remarks on a Qinghai-Sichuanese Panel

Berit Hildebrandt
Interim Professor of Ancient History, University of Bremen
The Terminology of Silks in Texts of the Roman Empire: Qualities, Origins, Products, and Uses
Interim Professor of Ancient History, University of Bremen
The Terminology of Silks in Texts of the Roman Empire: Qualities, Origins, Products, and Uses

Tatiana Krupa
Head of the International Research Laboratory “YMAI”, Pavlodar Pedagogical University, Margulan Center
Archaeological Silk of Ukraine as a Marker of Trans-Eurasian Contacts
Head of the International Research Laboratory “YMAI”, Pavlodar Pedagogical University, Margulan Center
Archaeological Silk of Ukraine as a Marker of Trans-Eurasian Contacts

Galina Lasikova (Co-author: Olga Chernova)
Curator, Mardjani Foundation
Identification of Animal Materials in Nomadic Costumes of 11-12th Centuries from Eastern Turkestan
Curator, Mardjani Foundation
Identification of Animal Materials in Nomadic Costumes of 11-12th Centuries from Eastern Turkestan

Orit Shamir
Head, Department of Museums and Exhibits, Israel Antiquities Authority
Silk Textiles from the Byzantine Period till the Medieval Period from Excavations in the Land of Israel (5th-13th Centuries CE)-Origin, Transmission and Exchange
Head, Department of Museums and Exhibits, Israel Antiquities Authority
Silk Textiles from the Byzantine Period till the Medieval Period from Excavations in the Land of Israel (5th-13th Centuries CE)-Origin, Transmission and Exchange